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Attribute 4.2
Teachers Collaboratively Develop Assessments
Modeled: STEM teachers collaborate at least biweekly to reflect on student work, to discuss strategies for using the results to inform instruction, and to co-create various measures of student success.

Weekly PLC meetings revolve around the compiling and analyzing of student data to adjust instruction and interventions, student grouping, and create assessments.  Minutes and data are shared with administrators and our Instructional Coach to give them a chance to look at growth and find areas for improvement. Data is collected in all content areas through formative and summative assessments.

This is an example of data used in PLC's to help teachers drive daily instruction and to help provide opportunities for interventionists to work on specific skills with students. 

Teachers meet weekly to collaborate and reflect on student work to plan instruction.

Below is math data from the website IXL.  Teachers use this data to guide their instruction and form guided math groups.

To the right is an example of an analysis of a fifth grade benchmark test.  This data breaks down each strand of math which guides math instruction and allows the teacher to plan guided math groups for each student.

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